A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1977)

A continuación un breve resumen de A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man... Bosco Hogan plays Joyce's alter-ego, Stephen Daedelus, growing up in Ireland in the early part of the 20th century, and at odds with the strictures of his Catholic home and family. The film charts his search for knowledge and understanding, during a decline in his family's circumstances, that leads him to revelations on the nature of art, beauty and politics. However his personal renaissance makes him feel unwelcome in his own country, and forces him to make a choice between exile as artist or staying and facing personal defeat.. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man se estrenó el 1977-09-01 y dura un total de 92 minutos. Para poder disfrutar de esta obra cinematográfica puedes usar distintos servicio, tales como Netflix, Pay per view u otros como Emule o Torrent.

  • Joseph Strick

  • James Joyce y
  • Judith Rascoe

Source language: English
País: IE
Estreno: 1977-09-01
Duración: 92 min
themoviedb icon 6/10

  • Detalles
  • Actores
  • ¿Quién dirigió A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man? A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man fue dirigida por Joseph Strick
  • ¿Quién escribió el guión de A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man El guión de A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man fue escrito por James Joyce y Judith Rascoe
  • ¿Quién protagonizó A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man? A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man fue protagonizada por David Kelly , Rosaleen Linehan y Bosco Hogan
  • ¿Qué día se estrenó A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man?A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man se estrenó el 1977-09-01
  • ¿Qué país produjo A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man?La producción de A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man fue en IE
  • ¿Cuánto dura A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man?A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man dura 92 minutos.
  • ¿Qué idoma se usó para rodar A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man?A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man fue rodada en English